October is Mental Health Awareness Month. Scott Bell is a Lead Peer Support Worker/Consumer Consultant at our North West Area Mental Health Service (NWAMHS) in Moreland/Merri-Bek. Peer Support workers are an important part of our Lived Experience Workforce. Their ‘lived’ expertise and insights help others access our services. Scott is also a musician.
Q: Scott, let’s start with your favourite genre of music?
Any type of 90’s grunge or the dessert/stoner rock movement in late 80’s. Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Fu Man Chu, Kyuss are some of my favourite bands.
Q: Favourite tune to relax?
Some Texas style blues with some deep Stevie Ray Vaughan influences. I can jam on that for hours!
Q: How would you describe your role?
My role is one that makes the consumer the expert in their own lives. The consumers and I work together to create hope and find a life worth living.
Tell us the role of the ‘5 Ways Café’ and what purpose it serves?
The ‘Cafe’ is run and managed by consumers. They choose what they would like to do, and this fosters other peer relationships outside of the service. It creates a safe space where people get to be the experts in their own life.
Q: Tell us more about how ‘people get to be the experts in their own life’?
People get to be the experts in their own life, where they get to make choices and recover the way they wish. Mental health is a journey, one of ups and downs. What’s really special is seeing someone focus on what they want rather than being stuck on what they can’t change.
Q: How would you describe Northern Health?
Northern Health is a service that is growing. They have been very supportive of our Lived Experience Workforce and the opportunity to truly integrate lived experience in all aspects of its service.
Q: Tell us something about you, that will surprise our readers?
I’m a reptile enthusiast who owns many snakes and reptiles!