About Us
The Procurement & Contracts department provides guidance and oversight for all procurement activities undertaken by Northern Health, as well as being responsible for the direct purchasing of many centralized services.
Procurement Principles
The Northern Health Procurement Policy is underpinned by key principles which aim to ensure that:
• Procurement processes deliver probity and transparency;
• Northern Health obtains best value for money based on whole of life cost;
• Open and fair competition is encouraged based on transparent category management strategies;
• Northern Health obtains goods and services that meet specification, are delivered on time at competitive prices from financially stable suppliers;
• Risk is managed and minimised;
• Consistent procedures are followed in accordance with Northern Health policies and comply with the Health Purchasing Victoria policies.
Health Share Victoria ( HSV)
Northern Health is committed to partnering with our supplier base. Northern Health has adopted and implemented the health purchasing policies issued by Health Purchasing Victoria in 2014. For further information visit the HSV website.
Procurement Activity Plan
Northern Health has developed a Procurement Activity Plan that lists significant activity it is planning to undertake over the next 12-18 months.
Northern Health is looking to develop long term partnerships with suppliers that are adaptable and innovative, who take accountability, and who can help deliver real and lasting value.
To effectively and efficiently procure goods and services across the organisation to obtain the best value for money and economies of scale, Northern Health’s Procurement Activity Plan is aligned to its priorities and strategies.
When sourcing goods and services from the market, Northern Health is committed to open, fair, and transparent sourcing processes.
This Procurement Activity Plan provides a summary of the major procurement activities in the non-salary area of organisational expenditure and provides potential suppliers advance knowledge of the likely procurements in this financial year.
The Procurement Activity Plan will be reviewed and updated as required, based on the best information available at the time of publication.
Northern Health tenders will be advertised on Tenders Vic website. If you are unsure on how to use the site please contact Tenders Vic on: (03) 9561 1671 or 1800 233 533 or click here to visit their website.
All planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in this Procurement Activity Plan is provided for planning purposes only and it does not present a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by Northern Health to purchase the described goods or services. There is no obligation to respond to or return any unsolicited bids received.
Useful Links
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Click here to view Northern Health Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
Click here to be redirected to the Health Share Victoria website.
Click here to be redirected to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board website.
Industry Capability Network
Click here to be redirected to the Industry Capability Network website. This website provides information on Victorian projects and VIPP assessments for projects over $3M.
Northern Health has developed a Procurement and Contract Activity Complaints Management guideline which can be accessed here.