Northern Health Cancer Services is committed to providing the best care to our cancer affected patients and families.
With the help of our generous community, Northern Health can continue to provide this high quality care to our patients. Over the many years, we have received donations from grateful patients and families as their way of showing appreciation and thanks to the Cancer Services team.
As a result of the many shows of thanks, the Northern Health Foundation Cancer Giving Tree came to life, to acknowledge the ongoing support from our community.
The Giving Tree is on display in the Day Oncology Unit at Northern Hospital Epping, brightening up the ward so patients, families and staff can see the generous donations and the differences our community has made to cancer patients’ lives.
The tree has different coloured leaves, each representing a donation from the community ranging from $250 to $10,000. The butterflies symbolise very generous donations of over $10,000.
Melissa Gwynne, Day Oncology Nurse Unit Manager, explained the importance of the Cancer Giving Tree.
“It provides patients and families a platform to be able to donate funds to assist Northern Health Cancer Services. By doing so, they can have their donation recognised on the tree. It is also a centre piece in the department and brings the lovely gardens outside, indoors,” she said.
Previous donations have enabled the Day Oncology Unit to purchase a range of equipment including treatment chairs, infusion pumps, vital sign machines, scalp cooling machines, ECG, blanket warmers and care packages for NOAH@Home patients – a service which allows patients to receive treatment in the comfort of their own home.
“This equipment has enabled staff to provide the high standard of care for our patients and provide comfort during treatment. Some patients spend six to eight hours for treatment, so comfort is a big factor,” Melissa said.
“We are always in need of new equipment – some to replace older devices and some for any new treatment equipment that becomes available. As we are expanding, the donations from the Giving Tree are vital.”
“I am very grateful and thankful to all our donors. We have donors that raise money annually through their fundraising events and we wouldn’t be where we are without their generosity. Most people are touched by cancer in some way and the Cancer Giving Tree allows them to be a part of the great work we do here at Northern Health Cancer Services.”
Pina Di Donato, Acting Executive Director, Public Affairs and Foundation, said, “It has been very rewarding to watch this beautiful tree grow, donation by donation. Every branch, every leaf, signifies a person touched by someone’s cancer journey and a life made a little more comfortable through their generosity. We are so grateful for every contribution.”
We encourage our community to donate to the Cancer Giving Tree to help make a difference to the lives of people affected by cancer.
To make a donation, click here.
Featured image: Day Oncology staff in front of the Cancer Giving Tree