Future nurses and midwives impress with research projects

October 23, 2019


Each year, Northern Health graduate nurses and midwives are required to complete a project aimed at improving the quality and safety of the patients they provide care for.

This year, there were 66 posters presented by graduates representing the quality activity they undertook. Posters were judged based on innovation, improving patient experience and addition to nursing knowledge.

Displayed simultaneously with Research Week, the posters created significant interest and demonstrated the skill of these emerging nurse/midwifery leaders who are clearly focused on improving the patient journey.

And the winner is…

Stefanie Shears for her project: Pre-operative fasting time affecting dietary nutritional intake

Stefanie has been awarded attendance to the Safer Care Victoria Giant Steps Conference in Melbourne later this year.

“It was an honour to work alongside some really amazing people and it was great that I was able to find out a lot about nutrition in terms of postoperative patients. I think the research I’ve done can further help patients and their care,” Stefanie said.

Three nurses and midwives also received highly commended awards for their quality projects below, each being awarded $500 towards attendance to a conference within the next 12 months.

Saskia Tykocinski: Languages spoken and newborn feeding outcomes

Erica Spessot: Understanding the commonalities between neonates readmitted for jaundice management

Elsan Paul: Vascular assessment tool in dialysis

Debra Bourne, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, said, “I had the opportunity to speak to these graduate nurses and midwives when they presented their posters – I was overwhelmed and impressed by their enthusiasm and commitment to not only their role as nurses and midwives at Northern Health, but also to the value that nursing and midwifery has in improving patient outcomes.”

Featured Image (left to right): Saskia, Erica, Elsan and Stefanie