Get to know: Amanda Dashwood

May 3, 2024


Consulting on family violence matters is not her only passion. Meet Amanda Dashwood, Mental Health Division, Specialist Family Violence Advisor – and her four goats, Anastasia, Arabella, Cyrus and Baby Iris along with her two Maremma Sheepdogs, Muggle and Mr Darcy.

Q: Your coffee order, please?

A: Latte with one sugar, thank you!

Q: How would you describe your role? 

A: Busy! Consulting on complex family violence matters for our mental health teams; attending high risk review panels; keeping up to date with current practises in the family violence sector for victim and survivors; advocating with external services for a free flow of information under the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) & Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS); embedding family violence practice, policies & procedures; engaging with external services such as Orange Door, Victoria Police, Corrections Victoria, Department of Justice, Child Protection and so on… streamlining service system communications.

Q: How did you get into this role? 

A: Previously I was a Senior Detective of Police. I then moved into the family violence sector, that was 25 years ago. This job sounded exciting and new. I believed I could bring a wealth of knowledge with me. I met the criteria for the position, sat an interview, got the job (which I love), still here seven years later (and still passionate about my role).

Q: Any highlights? 

A: My fondest highlights are when staff come to me for a secondary consultation, and I inform staff they have done all the right things re: risk and family violence. They are so switched on and just get it. I couldn’t be more proud of our service and the difference they are making. Highlights are many but representing the Mental Health Service at an international family violence conference, speaking about the marginalisation of mental health consumer, was one.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of this role?

A: Interacting with the teams and watching the amazing work they do to get the best outcomes for their consumers, families and carers.

Q: Your impressions on joining the Northern family?
A: ‘Safe Kind Together’, is a sincere commitment to our consumers and staff. Together, we are achieving goals that address community needs in clinical pathways.

Q: Lastly, tell is something that will surprise us about you?

A: I went to purchase one goat and came home with four – Anastasia, Arabella, Cyrus and Baby Iris. I also have two Maremma Sheepdogs and a tractor named Clementine with matching designer boots.