Many new faces have been warmly welcomed to Northern Health, as 52 graduate nurses and midwives begin their careers today.
Following a record number of applications received for Northern Health’s 2020 Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Programs, a total of 124 graduates will start throughout the year.
This is a special year to begin their nursing careers, as 2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife – a year to recognise and showcase the crucial roles nurses and midwives have in the community to improve the health and wellbeing of patients and their families.
Northern Health Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Debra Bourne, said, “It is with great pleasure that we welcome the new graduate nurses and midwives to Northern Health.”
“With 2020 being declared the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, it is an important year for our profession – a time when we will celebrate and promote the role of the midwife and nurse. The new graduates are part of this celebration and we are excited for all that they will bring and add to this year,” she said.
The enthusiastic nurses and midwives will complete a two-day orientation at the state of the art Northern Centre for Health Education & Research, before commencing rotations in areas including emergency, surgical, paediatrics and aged care.
As a tertiary teaching health service, Northern Health offers three streams of Graduate Programs: General Nursing, Midwifery, and Combined Nursing & Midwifery.
The three programs support nurses and midwives as they make their transition from student to registered nurse or midwife, combining theory and knowledge from their studies with practical skills.
Nurses and midwives also have the opportunity to work across our four sites: Northern Hospital, Broadmeadows Hospital, Bundoora Centre and Craigieburn Centre, allowing them to further develop their skills in many different areas of Northern Health.
Congratulations and good luck to all of our 2020 graduate nurses and midwives – we look forward to working with you throughout your Northern Health journey!
We asked some of our new graduate nurses and midwives what they are most looking forward to about working at Northern Health. Hear what they had to say in the video below.