Interprofessional education is when learners from two or more disciplines come together to learn with, from, and about one another with the overall goal of improving health outcomes for patients through collaborative practice.
At Northern Health we recognise that to provide high quality patient-centred care to our community we need to work together in high performing, collaborative teams. Northern Health has a long history of providing innovative, evidence-based interprofessional education programs via a variety of modalities to all our learner groups that stretches back over 20 years.
To ensure our staff have the knowledge and skills to work as collaborative team member we continue to offer a range of interprofessional learning programs and experiences to our learners at across all level of their career.
Examples of our interprofessional offerings include the Northern Health Interprofessional Passport – an evidence-based learner led resource consisting of a suite of short duration clinically-based interprofessional learning opportunities. This resource is available to all staff and students at Northern Health.

Interprofessional learning is also incorporated into our staff and student training programs including our student placements, early career programs and staff education calendars.
Our investment in interprofessional learning ensures Northern Health trained clinicians are well-rounded, collaborative and focused on utilizing all the skills of our diverse team members to provide safe, effective and trusted care.
Allied Health Education in the News
Training allied health professionals
From students to employees: Northern Health welcomes six social workers