The appointment of a Research Executive Committee (REC) is a significant step in fostering the next generation of engaged learners and inspired researchers at Northern Health.
Dr. Rebecca Jessup, Deputy Chair and Lead of the Research Advisory Group, says, “As a hospital that is experiencing exponential growth, it is important that we develop a strong reputation for high quality research. This will help us to recruit the best clinicians, as well as ensure we can provide the best care for our patients.”
The REC is tasked with advising the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Executive and its role in promoting, coordinating, and supporting research activities across the health service is of paramount importance. Developing key partnerships with our university and community partners is yet another area of focus for the committee. The REC also oversees research governance and quality at Northern Health.
A/Prof Prahlad Ho, Chair of the Research Executive, says, “Having a REC will help us to meet our key priority of growing engaged learners and inspired leaders and promote high-quality clinical care.”
The impressive team of experienced clinician researcher leaders leading the program will work to ensure that research conducted within the hospital is of high quality, ethically sound, and aligned with the hospital’s strategic goals. Just as important, they will work on embedding a culture of research at Northern Health.
Wanda Stelmach, Chief Medical Officer, says, “This is an important step towards Northern Health being recognised as a health service where the care of patients is driven by research to ensure high quality clinical care; where clinicians in allied health, nursing and medicine will together drive better care for their patients while at the same time growing their clinical and academic portfolios. Northern Health is setting itself up to be the preferred health service for innovative research.”
Pictured from left to right: A/Prof Prahlad Ho, Chair of Research Executive Committee*, Prof Donald Campbell*, Prof Russell Hoye, Pro Vice Chancellor, La Trobe University, Prof Nik Zeps, Director of Research*, Prof Shekhar Kumta, Professor of Surgery*, A/Prof Wanda Stelmach, Chief Medical Officer, Prof Geoffrey Donnan AO, Senior Research Advisor and former Director of Florey Institute of Neurosciences and Mental Health*, Dr. Rebecca Jessup, Deputy Chair of the Research Advisory Committee*
*Northern Health staff who are members of the Research Executive Committee.