The Research Development & Governance Unit provides biostatistical analysis and study design support to Northern Health staff for clinical research projects conducted at Northern Health.

Statistical support is available free of charge to all Northern Health led research projects. However, please note that funded projects which require ongoing statistical support should include the cost of statistical support as part of their project budget.

The services that are provided include:

  • Study Design – assistance with determining the appropriate design for the research question(s) considered for each study
  • Sample Size and Power Estimation – to ensure the study is adequately powered to detect a clinically meaningful result that is also statistically significant
  • Statistical data analysis – advice or assistance with the analysis to be conducted or to undertake the analysis on your behalf
    (Please note that ethics approval must be obtained prior to data analysis. Please contact for further information)
  • Manuscript and presentation of results – assistance with determining the appropriate presentation of results and description of methods for manuscripts intended for journal article submission.

Statistical software

  • Stata and R –  support is available through the Biostatistician.
  • SPSS – for advice only.
  • Please note that the RDGU does not manage or maintain statistical software licenses for Northern Health staff or researchers.

Please click on the link below to submit a request for statistical support:

Biostatistics Service Request form

Clinical Biostatistician, Dr. Mani Suleiman – or (03) 846 80763

If data is available, please ensure it meets the standards outlined in this checklist:

Data Quality Checklist