Pulmonary Rehabilitation

For Patients and Visitors

What is the Service?

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a program for people with lung disease (including those that use oxygen) who have difficulty breathing and who find that daily activities are getting harder. The program is provided by nursing and allied health professionals who will work with you to ensure that you can enjoy the best health possible. People who benefit from the program have COPD, asthma or other respiratory illnesses. 

What can I expect from the service?

You will be invited to attend our centre at Epping or Craigieburn. There you will be interviewed and asked to complete some exercises. The team will then design an individual program that aims to reduce your symptoms, help you to move without becoming too breathless and keep you as healthy as possible.

Pulmonary Rehab is held at 2 Northern Health sites:

The Northern Hospital Epping:

Tuesdays and Thursdays


Tuesdays and Fridays

What do I bring/need for my appointment?

Please bring a list of current medications and your ACTION PLAN if you have one.

How much does it cost?

  • No cost for attending Pulmonary Rehab.
  • If client is referred onto additional Community Therapy Services, there may be a fee incurred of $5-10 per visit.
  • If client is ineligible for Medicare the referral for the service will need to be reviewed by management

Contact us

For referrals or enquiries regarding this service please contact the Community Access Service team

Free Call:      1300 128 539

Fax:                8405 8616


For Health Professionals

Service overview

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a comprehensive program for people with lung disease (including those that use oxygen) who have difficulty breathing and who find that daily activities are getting harder. Clients referred to the program will have COPD, asthma or other respiratory illnesses. The program includes nursing and allied health professionals.

What can be provided?

Each participant has an individually designed program and aims to reduce the client’s symptoms, optimise function and improve self-management.

Pulmonary Rehab is held at 2 Northern Health sites:

The Northern Hospital Epping:

Tuesdays and Fridays


Tuesdays and Fridays

Inclusion criteria:

  • Be diagnosed with a chronic lung condition:
  • COPD
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Emphysema
  • Bronchitis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Intestinal Lung Disease
  • Asthma
  • Breathing related problems
  • The Northern Hospital Epping– Airway Clearance
  • Has a moderate level of dyspnoea
  • Clinically stable: no change in symptoms or medications 2 months before entry
  • Intact cognitive function
  • Able to walk at least 50–100m

 Exclusion criteria:

Medical conditions that could place a client at risk during exercise training e.g.: Unstable angina, hypertension, advanced osteoarthritis, renal failure, malignancy, mobility limiting conditions.

How to Refer:

Referral from any source will be accepted. Referral must include:

  • Reason for referral
  • Current and past medical history
  • Information relation to the patient’s condition
  • Medication(s)

For referrals or enquiries regarding this service please contact the Community Access Service team

Free Call:      1300 128 539

Fax:              8405 8616

Alternative service options:

Programs are offered through:

  • Northern Health HARP – Chronic Disease Stream
  • Melbourne Health – Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Seymour – Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Austin – Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Plenty Valley Community Health – Epping