We value every voice

Whether you’re a patient, carer or student, if you are interested in the quality of health care and the services Northern Health provides, we would like to hear from you.

Consider volunteering on our Consumer Network to contribute to improving the experience of our patients and our health service.

“I feel I have a voice” – Faye (Consumer Network Member).

Northern Health is committed to improving the quality of care we provide to our patients and their families. For us to do this, we want to know what’s important to you as a patient or carer when it comes to health care.

Our community is what drives us. We are always looking to work with community members who are passionate about making a difference, giving back and sharing their feedback. We value diversity and encourage your input regardless of your background or perceived skills.


How can you help?

Being involved with our committees and groups, is a great way to have your say and meet community members. It’s also an opportunity to learn more and contribute to your local health service.

You don’t have to be involved in a continuous role. You are welcome to come along to one of our open community meetings to tell us what matters to you and your community.

Volunteer your time and expertise.  Get involved, have your say and make a difference as a consumer today!

Click here for Six Steps to becoming a Consumer Advisor 

Join Us

Our staff and consumers work together in a range of activities range of activities. Our staff will support you to join meetings online and participate from the comfort of your own home.

Our consumer representatives are highly valued team members. They highlight what matters most to our local community in providing the best patient care.” – Rachael (Northern Health Dietitian)

See what we have on offer:

Click below for vacancies or contact us for further details:

Consent & Shared Decision-making subcommittee

NEW Standard 4 Medication Safety Clinical Improvement committee

Standard 5 Nutrition and Hydration subcommittee

Standard 6 Communicating for Safety Clinical Improvement committee

Contact Us

Consumer Participation Coordinator

Phone: (03) 9495 3313

Email: consumerparticipation@nh.org.au

**Please note that membership to the Consumer Network is a voluntary role.