Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with approximately two in three Australians being diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.
Skin cancer can appear as a new mole or any existing skin lesion that is growing or changing over time. The “ABCDE” signs are a simple way to identify suspicious changes in a lesion that should be brought to the attention of your doctor.
A = asymmetry (lesions becoming asymmetrical)
B = border (lesions with irregular borders)
C = colour (lesions with multiple colours)
D = diameter (lesions growing to have a large diameter above 6mm)
E = evolution (lesions changing over time
We spoke with Associate Professor Aaron Robinson, Head of Dermatology at Northern Health, on the topic of skin cancer.
“Skin cancer risk is highest in people who have had significant sun exposure, such as those who work outside or have outdoor hobbies,” says A/Prof Robinson.
“In particular, individuals who regularly tan or burn in the sun are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer. There is no such thing as a healthy tan. A tan is a sign that your skin is distressed from sun damage. While people with lighter skin types are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer, it can occur in people with darker skin, too,” he adds.
To prevent skin cancer, it is recommended to minimise sun exposure and always use sun protection, such as wearing a hat, long sleeves, and sunscreen when outside for extended periods. It is also important to be aware of your own skin and moles, and see your doctor to review any suspicious or changing lesions. Early detection can make skin cancers easier to treat.
There are also various apps available to provide a forecast of the UV index, to help people choose safer times (with lower UV index) for outdoor activities such as exercise.
“Any new growths or changing lesions should be brought to the attention of your GP, particularly for people that have had a history of significant sun exposure or sun damage,” advises A/Prof Robinson.
Your doctor may also recommend having a regular check of your skin, if you have a history of significant sun damage or exposure, previous skin cancer, or a significant family history of skin cancer. Regular checks can help with early detection of any suspicious changes, when they are easiest to manage. In cases of skin cancer diagnosis or particularly high-risk patients, a referral to a Dermatologist for specialist care might also be appropriate.
Northern Health runs a clinic for management of skin cancers. Patients can be referred to the clinic by their General Practitioner (GP), after a biopsy.