Early this month, the Broadmeadows Surgical Centre were excited to conduct its first Plastics Surgery twilight session.
The team were enthusiastic and thrilled to be a part of Broadmeadows Surgical Centre expanding its service provision and enabling timely emergency access to surgery for the northern community.
Broadmeadows Surgical Centre has seen many changes of the past five years, increasing from a four-day per week day surgery unit, into a six-day per week Surgical Centre.
Brylie Wilson, Nurse Unit Manager, Broadmeadows Surgical Centre, says, “It has been a challenging and rewarding experience to be involved in this transformation. Being able to conduct our first twilight session was a pleasure and a privilege to see eventuate.”
The Surgical Centre will be conducting twilight theatre sessions on a Monday and Wednesday evening, in addition to Saturday all day session.
“We look forward to continuing this collaborative work with the Plastics Surgical Unit and the General Operating Theatres at Northern Hospital Epping,” adds Brylie.
Linda Romano, Divisional Director Nursing, Surgical Services, had this to say, “It’s been a great team effort between Brylie and her team, and Rodrigo Teixeira and his Plastics Surgery team! Well done!”