Northern Health, Mental Health Division is proud to introduce a new specialist aged community team, the Specialist Older Adult Consultation Service (SOAC).
The service will offer place-based care for older adult consumers with mental health diagnosis and frailty who live in the community or in Residential Aged Care Facilities. Staff will assess, treat and provide rapid response for consumers, as well as support their transition to and from different levels of care.
The service aims to prevent avoidable Emergency Department presentations, reduce readmission to Inpatient units and provide timely and appropriate care for the consumer
With a dedicated team of specialist staff who have expertise and strong relationships with residential aged care facilities, clinicians will support residents with mental health conditions and dementia.
The service will also act as the central intake service for the community and the bed management for Northern Health Aged Mental Health Units. It will operate from 8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, with plans to extend to seven days a week in the future.
“We are excited to launch this service that we believe will best meet the needs of our consumers in the north,” said Sue Pike, Director of Service Development and Improvement.
“Instead of receiving care from multiple community mental health teams, the consumers will have one team providing care that is responsive to their changing needs.”
“We are very pleased to introduce this new Model of Care to our consumers and to complete this final piece of the transition of Mental Health Services to Northern Health,” said Lisa Carter, Director of Nursing and Operations, Aged Persons Mental Health.
Pictured from left to right: Lisa Carter, Director of Nursing and Operations, Jarrod Caspersz, Psychiatric Enrolled Nurse and Teresa Cappelletti, Psychiatric Enrolled Nurse, Specialist Older Adults Consultation Service.